Best Mexican In Lee's Summit
Home Of The Flying Pepper
1008 SE Blue Parkway Lee’s Summit, MO 64063
Come See Us!

Jumbo Jet Burrito Challenge

Get a free meal... if you dare!
Habey dares you to navigate this flight & try to land this massive Jumbo Jet Burrito. If you can complete this 747 mission Habey will buy your burrito & give you a custom challenge t-shirt along with posting your photo in his “mission accomplished hall of fame.”
Challenge Rules:
- Must consume entirely in 30 minutes.
- If unable to consume, no to go boxes.
- No sharing or cheating allowed
- No tummy turbulance
Allowed drink of choice.
They All Love Our Food

See what our customers are saying…
"Service was perfect. Friendly and attentive. The food was yummy."

- Christine Millstead
Our waiter was fabulous he was very good to us and the food was very delicious as always. My 3 daughters and I love this place.

- Ginamarie Hensley
"Absolutely Wonderful! Love the music too."

- Joan Weber